Hey, I guess I'm the new guy...

Jun 25, 2003
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Hi, I'm bluegourami2.

I'm a gourami freak. I've kept just about every kind there is (except for the giants).

I've got one tank right now, with a humongous blue, a pleco, a clown loach, two pear gouramis, and some tetras.

I was just wondering if anyone else out there is as partial to gouramis as myself..

Anyways, I'm glad to be here!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
Always likes gouramis, but my fish fetish lies with loaches. As for gouramis, if you ever get the chance, sparkling gouramis, are great fun, and spike tailed licorice gouramis are some of the most beautiful fish in a planted tank I have ever seen. Well worth your time if you can find some! BTW, WELCOME to the group!


Large Fish
Apr 26, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
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I have a 3 inch female blue gourami I used to keep with a male of the same size -- he went because he was hassling her big time. She's elegant, feisty (but not too bad) and the richest blue you've ever seen. She's had her moments in the two shorts months I've been running the tank, but she's rock-solid. I want more, but she's the princess of this tank, so if I get more, they go elsewhere. Welcome to you!