hey sam


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
hey sam I tried sending this to you in a pm but it said you were unable to recieve pms so here it is in the SW section.

I was wondering how your clownfish breeding setup was going, and if you could give me some pointers, I am not looking to set up any more tanks but I do have a fuge that the fry could go in, my clowns lay eggs every couple weeks and they start out orange, and gradually change colors developing little eyes and what not, I have only got one or two to hatch out and they died soon after hatching, anything I can do to improve their odds in your experience?


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Man sorry i havent really been on...this is my last year of high school so i have a ton of hw, college applications, job, tanks...the list goes on. At the end of the summer I got rid of some of the clowns (a few also died) so there are only 2x 20s up right now and a few 10 gallons. I moved the clarks to the 110 gallon, tomatos are in a 20 gallon Perculas are in a 10 along with the sebaes...I also have a pair of True Perculas (onyx) and a pair of black occelaris)...i might post pics later on...anywyas i have to build up some funds and some time to start some of them back up.

Lets see...I have a few questions for you. Do you have an anemone? or some kind of host coral? Its always good to have one.

Okay for the most part your tank sounds fine. If they are laying eggs your doin sometin right...um in general I would feed the pair of clowns with vitamin enriched food...vitamin a is especially good for reproduction.

Find out exactly what time the clwons lay the eggs. This is important so that you know when they will hatch.(around 7 days later).

I hate to say it but you may need a seperate tank for the larvae. Umm...it really doesnt need a filter because you wont be using one for a while. Cylindrical is prefereed. Fill this second tank with water from the main tank. Keep it at the same temperature-very important. When the eggs hatch scoop as many fry as you can into this second tank. (a ladel is really handy or a siphon tube) Keep this second tank completely dark for about 24 hours. If you have a heater in there with a pilot light cover it so no light comes in but from the top.

After 24 hrs begin feeding with rotifers(Brachchiomus plicatilis) and alage(Platymonas sp.). You can find these from sources online. After about 5 days switch over to live baby brine shrimp and rotifers. This water will become polluted fast so you will have to change a lot of it with water from the main tank daily. Remember keep it the same. Over time you can incorporate a sponge filter into this second tank along with a light.

Good luck, if you have any other questions let me know.