

Medium Fish
Sep 13, 2003
im emily, and im really glad that there are web sites like this to talk to and help ppl with the fish stuff, lol gives me insurance that im not the only fish finnatic out there. i finally picked up the fish hobby after i move to kansas again, last time we were in louisiana and before that else where. my dad is an non-commisioned officed in the u.s army, so to sum it up, i have move about 13 times in my 16 year-old life, unfortunatly that means no time to get attatched to some fish and then have to give them away. but now dear ol' dad is in the process of retiring, so i get to keep fish again. Picking this hobby up again has made me realize that i don't really want to be a vet, but i'd much rather specify my career with animals and become an ichtyologist. Owning fish is something that i really love and enjoy, but it gets all crazy when every time you go to wal mart you just absolutly have to buy this or that fish and your pals think your going insane, but nonetheless it is what i do.
i currently have 8 tanks set up
5 gal. -two snakeskin guppys, three molly juviniles (may their mom rest in peace)
10 gal- turqouise jewel cichlid, and a pictus cat
10gal- my favorite jack dempsy
10gal.-two angels, a pleco, three mollies, and a dragonfish goby
10gal.- green spotted pufferfish
20gal.- 2 juvenile green terrors, 2 turqouise severum, two dempseys, 2 convicts, and a pleco
29gal.- 5 goldfish, 1 parrotfish, and 8 koi
55gal.- 1 firehead, 1 firemouth, a pleco, an armored catfish, and a giant danio (who is literally in love woth the 7 inch firehead)
needless to say i have a great love of the fishes.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
20gal.- 2 juvenile green terrors, 2 turqouise severum, two dempseys, 2 convicts, and a pleco

that tanks gonna goto hell in a handbasket soon, i would take everything but the convicts and stick them into a 100gal will do ok until they get bigger, severums get a foot long


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Welcome :)

Im with soulfish on your 20 gal. As well as the second and third 10 gal.s you listed and the 29 gal. All these tanks are overstocked and/or have fish that will get too big for the tank.

Now you have an excuse to get another big tank :)


Medium Fish
Sep 13, 2003
i know, the 20 gal is temporary, i'm just fattening them up right now, they are only 1-1 1/2 inches right now, and yes i know they will get alot bigger (the severums, dempseys, and terrors for the most part). so i have another 55 on the way, the goldfish and koi will be moved to a pond very soon, and the jewel will be going to the 20gal later the dempsey back in the 55 when the firemouth can fend for itself or gets bigger, but for now everyone is pretty happy with their surroundings. I research plenty so i know practically everything about the fish before i buy it, or at least try to if nothing. i learned to find pictures and stuff too, after i was sold a jack dempsey as a texan, and an armored catfish as a hoplochromis, but then again how does that saying go "buyer beware" lol, needless to say i learned a lot through trial and error. yeah, ill try not to bug anyone too much about the stupid stuff, just the important questions, like "why did my fish die" or "why won't it quit laying eggs" lol it is good to see that ppl are concerned for the welfare of my fishes though, and im glad for it. lol i look forward to talking more or whatever, you all seem pretty nice


Medium Fish
Sep 13, 2003
alot of tanks and alot of work sometimes, but i really don't mind all that much. honestly i'm one of the ppl that would rather deal with fish than other ppl. lol. glad to be a member here, it seems like a really useful site. When it all sums up, nobody loves you more than your fish when its feeding time.