
Jul 17, 2007
Omaha, NE
Hello everyone.

I've been reading and posting here for the past few days now, following the setup and heavy planting of a 55 g freshwater. I have not got any fish yet, although it is about that time. I tried to colonize my tank with brine to see how they did before adding fish. That was a stupid idea and a failure. I read on wikipedia that brine can tolerate varying salinity, so I figured they might make it in my tank. Eh.

I just bought a second 4-foot strip light with 2 40w bulbs, so I will have 4 feet with 160 w. I got two GE plant \ aquarium lights and 2 GE "sunshine" lights. I'm interested to see the difference, because I have some old plant \aqua lights and I wonder how they compare.

So my two big projects right now are getting a DIY CO2 system going out of a two liter (my plan is to put it into a HOB filter - will that work OK?) and then trying to find some kind of hood \ canopy for my tank so these ugly white shop strip lights are not out exposed in my room. For the time being I got a light diffuser plate to put under the lights to act as a lid.

I think I will go get fish in a few days here. I still need to figure out a bunch about how much CO2 is OK, but I'm gonna pull it out at night and try to get more oxygen then too. Then I'll have to figure out dosing, but...blah.

I live in Omaha. I'm starting law school Mid-August. I want to have a sweet tank with lucious plants and healthy fish.

That's all for now, TTYL .

PS my chode is super !

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Nice to see another fellow 'Omahite' (is that what you'd call us?) here on MFT...welcome aboard! As for your planted tank plans...do yourself a favor and read all of the stickies over in the 'Aquatic Plants' section of the forum. :cool: