
Sep 4, 2003
T-Dot, Canada
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Hello All.. Since everyone seems to be introducing myself.. i thought i would too!

So My names Dan (daniel).. i'm 21 and in university for english. I started my betta tank around the time i joined this forum, and now i have 3 tanks setup in my room.. It's actually pretty great because i love nature and water, and now its the first and last thing i see everyday!

Umm outside of fishkeeping, I'm a rockclimbing instructor and spend my time mainly between work (if you can call working at a climbing wall "work") and school and climbing...

On a side note, I have found this forum extremely informative, the members extremely helpful and kind... In spite of recent ummm .. "conflicts" concerning aquarank (what rubbish .. who cares?) or what not I Just wanna say that MyFishTank is exactly what the title suggests, it is what it is to our members and if you are not enjoying it, feel free to post somewhere else..

Anyway .. don't want to start anything, just wanted to introduce myself and express a job well-done to all those who are contribute to this site.

- Daniel DC