This is a strange way to be introduced to this breed but when at a Garage sale on the weekend, the guy offered me some fish which he'd taken out of the tank and had in a plastic storage bin.
I had a small tank with 1 Angel & 2 Silver Dollars and he gave me a very sad Oscar approx 5 inches long and some cichlids which had been with him in their 3 ft tank for a while, am still searchin to find out all their names.Have not had any probs with my Angel & them
My problem is the Oscar is undernourished, the guy gave me some pellet food, I had some frozen shrimp & bloodworm which my fish liked, all the cichlids are eatin ok but the oscar is a little slow.
I have a friend's husband who had africans & he suggested givin him ox heart to build him up and try to establish a rapport with him.
I will be settin up my 3ft tank for them in the next few days, and should be able to get some lava rock and have some shells, may pick up a couple more africans to put in the new tank so the territories can be established from scratch; so the info I have read so far has been a big help.
I had a small tank with 1 Angel & 2 Silver Dollars and he gave me a very sad Oscar approx 5 inches long and some cichlids which had been with him in their 3 ft tank for a while, am still searchin to find out all their names.Have not had any probs with my Angel & them
My problem is the Oscar is undernourished, the guy gave me some pellet food, I had some frozen shrimp & bloodworm which my fish liked, all the cichlids are eatin ok but the oscar is a little slow.
I have a friend's husband who had africans & he suggested givin him ox heart to build him up and try to establish a rapport with him.
I will be settin up my 3ft tank for them in the next few days, and should be able to get some lava rock and have some shells, may pick up a couple more africans to put in the new tank so the territories can be established from scratch; so the info I have read so far has been a big help.