Hi All~


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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My name is mcshell.
I've started keeping fish ~2.5 years ago. I started off with something called "aqua babies", and that "system" is just a little container which claims they have the full biological cycle (with 3 tiny fish -- didn't even know what they are, 1 snail and 1 stem of plant). Of course, they didn't turn out livnig too well and they eventually died :(
Then, I got my first 1 gallon tank with a mini filter. Things become better! I got 2 danios, 2 cherry barbs and 2 neon tetras. The more I looked at them, the more I love them! (and the more fish I want to keep).
Last year october, I got my first 10 gallon! I started to breed guppies with my ten gallon (oh boy, the guppies just grew too fast and expand their population too quickly!) Not long after that, I found the 10 gallon is too small (again!)
So, I got my 55 gal 2 months ago. So currently, here's what I have:

55 gal:
~ 10 guppies
2 danios
3 platies
3 cardinal tetras
2 neon tetras
4 cherry barbs
3 rummy nose tetras
2 female betta (one just become a mother recently!)
3 angels
3 mix fruit tetras

10 gal ( i got a divider to slit that up into two 5 gal tanks)
one side: Casper (my male betta) and a bunch of eggs :)
the other side: ~14 platy frys, ~17 guppy fries and a breeding tank with a platy mom

cheers! *celebrate

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Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
Visit site
Thanks Angelfish! (please don't eat my neons!)

My 3 angels are still babies -- ~ 1 inch in diameters
where as my neons are now ~ 1 inch long (incl tail)
When the angels do get bigger, I may move the neons away.

Just wondering, why angels only eat neons but not cardinal?


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Hehe, okay Ill try not to eat the neons ... they just look so tastey, just one?!

Im not the best person to ask about avatars (the pic your talking about) I just found a pic I liked and my BF did the rest =) Im sure that someone here can help you out though.