Hi Every-body.


Small Fish
May 18, 2006
This is my second post on here, but my first was only about 20 minutes ago, or that's when I started writing it anyway... its a long one, about fin rot. Feel free to go read it ;)

I currently have a tropical tank with two angel fish, one gold gouramis, three peppered corys, three neon tetras and one sailfin pleco. My little sister keeps threatening to give me her pregnany (they're always pregnanty) platties *twirlysmi

They're just the cutest things!! Fish generally that is, but mine especially, because they're mine. I used to have a little pearl scale (that got very big), those things have such endeering faces! And relatively speaking, a bigger bottom than me. It made me feel good about myself haha.


Small Fish
May 18, 2006
haha Zman does that rabbit have pancakes on it's head?

I was just wondering... Is it possible to have emails sent when replies to posts are recieved?

Erm, as for my tank. It's not too interesting as far as tanks go (it is very interesting to me though). It was a present for my 21st birthday from my boyfriend/cohabitee/whatever. He kept hinting for days before, or so I recall retrospecitvely, I never notice anything. When we went to look at it I expected something rather modestly sized but nope! haha. It used to be his friends mum's but she was fed up with it (I know, right?) so we bought it off them. Complete with fish. Rather handy, I can't say that I envy those who have to go through complete cycles. I just set it up, after a couple of weeks all was fine... until I got adventurous and added some fish without quarantine and disaster struck, annoying thing is, I have my old tank and no excuses for not using it as a quarantine.

I have a picture!



Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Stab in the dark...40g Long???

Actually that is very well aquascaped. Nice job. Lots of newbs tend to cram stuff in their tanks without really thinking about the overall layout of the tank. Kudos.


Small Fish
May 18, 2006
Hey thanks!

And you're right on the money. It's 40 long. Good job!

When I got the tank it was full of fake stuff like castles and sculls. Looked rather nasty in my opinion so I oyked it all out and started fresh. well, still with some fake stuff, just fake stuff immitating real stuff. And some real stuff haha.

With the fish I had I wanted to make redesign it to suit them better. So, I have tall plants for the high swimmers and lots of places for the pleco to go mooch around, and small spaces for the others to hide. Also thought that it was best to have lots of open spaces for them all to stretch their.... fins. Generally though its a case of 'watch this space' I change my mind too much for it to stay the same too long. Plus the fish love eating the plants despite lots of cucumber, lettuce and such. They're little horrors! so they don't last too long. Had those ones in there a fair while though. Maybe there is hope.

Thanks for your comments :)