Hi Everyone, new to MFT!

Jul 21, 2006
Hey Everyone, lemme introduce myself!

Im Kab (short for Kaburan pronounced Kab-Oo-Ron) Ive recently picked up this beautiful hobby which has brought me out of certain loneliness :) See, im an ex Marine who just returned from 2nd tour in iraq, got out with an honorable couple months ago, and picked up a great job in Aviation. However I live alone and since I dont have to worry about deploying anymore and being gone away from home all the time, I decided to raise some fish :) I raised many when i was young, dad taught me to cycle, caretaking, breeding, etc primary barbs. Wanted my own, so I now have a 30 Gal tank with 8 gorgeous tiger barbs and 3 young Pictus Catfish whom im going to move over to a 55 Gal im currently cycling.

here are some pics I hope you all enjoy as much as I do!

My 30g ancient rome themed tank

A couple of my tiger barbs playing near the rubicon (any history buffs? =p)

Floating above the colluseum

My Camera shy pictus catfish