Hi everyone (sorry so long)

Jul 22, 2008
Indiana, Pa
I'm new to this forum due to some unlucky fish choices.

First of all, I get my fish from Wal-mart because that is about all you can do around here. The local tiny exotic pet store is really creepy!! Anyways...I went through a betta (died in 2 days to a fungus that was too late to treat even though I tried), an otocinclus (sp?) (he was happy and healthy and died shortly after the betta....stupid sick betta), 2 guppies (I believe after some research that it had problems with the pregnancy and died since it was about ready to pop. The other one, probably a male was sick and died almost right away...stupid wal-mart). By the way after all these fish (the betta and sucky fish then the guppies) there was at least 4-6 weeks of a cleaned out tank sitting and the filter running. Didn't want to try any other fish due to the bad results before, but really liked watching the fish. so I then bought another otocinclus and had him for 3 weeks. He was really healthy, I was giving him algae wafers plus the gunk in the tank. He (she, it?) was swimming around with lots of energy and eating great. Did you know they jump? Even through very small holes in lids?? Yeah....he disappeared after a water change. I think I accidently put the water a little higher than normal and he jumped through the tiny hole and the cat ate him since he is not in the gravel when I cleaned it and not in the filter. Creepy fish store lady (I finally broke down and went there to see if they bought or took babies after the platys described below) told me that he either jumped out or was in the filter as bones stuck to the filter. GROSS. I didn't find bones anywhere so...:confused:

Ok after all that bad luck, I got 2 platies that are very healthy, but also very pregnant, which is how I found this site. I bought my platies on the 10th of July. Put them in a small 2 gallon tank, just the 2 of them. On the 11th I saw tiny things darting around. My fish do not eat their young. I have a 29 gallon tank now. and on the 19th found at least 8 (really hard to count in the big tank) more fry. Once again....not getting eaten. My orange one is ready to pop.

2 main questions that I could not find answers to.....
1) When can I put the fry into the big tank? The first set is 2 weeks old on Friday and I have them in the 2 gallon and doing partial water changes every to every other day. It is right next to the 29 gallon and some of the fry line up at the glass like they are trying to get over with the other fish.

2) The orange one is REALLY REALLY fat. I mean she is going to pop any day. Very square, eats like a pig, does the swimming up and down thing that my black and white one did before she had the others. She has just started chasing the black and white one from the food. They are both able to eat but she chases her around. Is this normal? Is she just a cranky pregnant lady? No signs of any disease. Water tests are great.

oh sorry...one more. Why aren't they eating the young? Sometimes they swim right in front and the mothers don't even move to chase them. I don't really want to see them eat the young, but I also don't have room for a ton of babies.

By the way, when the other fish died, I was checking the levels, adding conditioner to any water changes, etc etc. I know it was just stupid wal-mart because right after I got my Betta that died....all of them disappeared off the shelf so I'm guessing they all died then. I just wanted a nice little tank for my desk in my office...is that too much to ask?

Jul 22, 2008
Indiana, Pa
Found this in another thread about getting to know ppl on this forum, and since it hadn't had a message since April, I decided to post my answers here.

Hello, I'm Louella

1. How old are you? 27

2. What are your living arrangements? single wide trailer in a ghetto trailer park with my fiance, a dog, 3 cats, and now a boat load of fish.

3. What do you drive? White 2005 Hyundai Santa Fe. This car is great in the snow

4. Whats your favorite drink (non-alcoholic)? Ice tea

5. Whats your favorite restauraunt? Nothing really. I'm so sick of eating out since I do it all the time with my job.

6. How many fish do you own RIGHT NOW? Ummmmm I think I have 22 (2 adult female platys and at least 20 fry :eek:)

7. What is your newest pet? 2 platys (one orange - looks like a gold fish...don't really like her. One black and white who looks like a penguin. hehe)

8. Its 9am on a typical Tuesday morning ... Depends, I could be at work, on my way to work, getting ready for work, or sleeping (depending on when I decide I want to go in and what is planned for the day). I love flex scheduling.

9. Why are you filling out these questions? Found the thread interesting and thought it was the best way to introduce myself

10. What type of music do you listen to? I'll to just about anything except for heavy metal and rap.

11. What do you like to do in your spare time? Read, sleep, play on the computer, stare at the TV without really watching, WiiFit if I'm really motivated hehe

12. Where did you get your MFT name? It's what I use everywhere. My little cousin couldn't say my name so he called me Wella...Hart is part of my last name.

13. Favorite Quote: "If you look for the bad in mankind expecting to find it, you surely will." -Abe Lincoln

14. Favorite animal (assuming it's not a fish): Way too many to name. I really love them all. I actually wanted to get married in the polar bear tunnel in the zoo....Billy (my fiance) said no. :rolleyes:

15. Favorite TV show: Mythbusters, Psych, Ghost Whisperer, Dirty Jobs!!


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
welcome to the tank :)

and LOL...that woulda been a good story to tell yo kids gettin married in the polar bear tunnel :)

to answer yo questions, yo can put the fry in the tank after a couple weeks when their big enough the moms wont eat em. i actually tell people not to worry about catchin babies or movin moms round to save babies cause livebearers reproduce every month and it stresses the fish out more than anythin
survival of the fittest :)

could just be how she is. platies really normally dont have personalities like other fish but they can be pushy at times i suppose. i wouldnt worry about it.

and i am sure some fry were eaten when they were first born when they were a lot smaller, but if yo keep the moms well fed that may be why they dont eat them

and wal mart fish tend to be more neglected than anythin and the store doesnt hire people or train them on care for the fish. they dont care about them and their just another item to try and make profit wit.

Jul 22, 2008
Indiana, Pa
Thanks for the reply. Yeah Wal-Mart's fish are pretty bad. The Wal-Mart I bought the Platys at was a different Wal-Mart and the woman who worked the fish section actually knew quite a bit about fish. I was really surprised. I'd also learned by then how to tell the healthier ones instead of just going..."oooh that one is pretty!" lol I just didn't think I would get pregnant ones. I just wanted sturdy fish that would not die on me. I think I have some people to take some of them though, and the rest I'm going to call around once they are bigger and find a fish store to take them. Even if I have to drive them an hour away.
The only reason the first set of fry are separate are because they were born in the small tank, so when I got my big tank set up, I just left them. I think a lot of the other fry left in the big tank might have been eaten today while I was at work. Only saw 4 when I fed the mommas and i swear there were at least 8 yesterday, but maybe they just stayed hidden tonight.

yeah, I thought the polar bear tunnel would be awesome too, but I guess I'm getting married in Vegas.....sometime....if he ever makes enough sales to meet his goals. Could be Sept, like planned, could be October is what I'm told. Oh well.