Hi Everyone

Jan 13, 2006
I have been reading this site for a week. Very informative. I'm fairly new to fish. I have 2 bettas and am looking to set up bigger tanks for them. I have much more experience with the furry pets so I'm sure I'll have a few questions. I have already learned quite a bit by just lurking. Looking forward to learning even more.:D

Jan 13, 2006
Limi310 said:
Welcome!! What size tank were you thinking of?
I was considering 5 or 10 gallon tanks so I could add a few female bettas in and some live plants but after reading the board a bit I see smaller tanks aren't recommended for beginners. Any suggestions?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
IMO a 5 is a good size for a betta. It is NEVER reccomended to put male and female bettas together. The whole bigger tanks for beginners is mostly aimed at folks who want to put together a community tank...so yes if you want to make a community tank with your betta you'd be better off getting a 20+, but a lot of bettas dont tolerate a community setting. Some are just fine...it totally depends on the betta.

Jan 13, 2006
After I posted yesterday, I read the sticky in the betta section. Probably should have read that before hand.;) I see now that betta co-habitation is really iffy. That was not what I was reading other places online. So I'll probably just setup 5 or 10 gallon tanks to house our bettas. Maybe put in some live plants for hiding places and sit back a learn quite a bit more before I move onto larger tanks with more variety and upkeep. Thanks for you input.

Edit to add: I'm seeing that bettas like dogs, have different personalities. Two of the three bettas we have seem to be fairly laid back and come to the top of the tank for feeding anytime I walk into the room. Both were eating with 30 minutes of introducing them into their new tanks. The newest addition is a bit more nervous and prefers to hide.

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