Hi everyone

Mar 28, 2003
Visit site
I just noticed this board, so I guess I ought to introduce myself.

I live in Florida, I have a 12 year old Old English Sheepdog, I have two budgies, one albino and one lime-green, I have two fish tanks: a ten gallon and a five gallon. Um, I've owned fish for two years, but I never really knew much about them except I had to feed them and clean their tank. Which is probably why so many died (see my RIP section of my siggie). I'm absoloutely crazy about the Lord of the Rings books and movies.

Er, well, all my friends think I'm insane for naming my fish, but I did.

Merry and Pippin-my Sunburst Platies
Frodo and Sam-my Serpae Tetras
Aragorn and Boromir-my Leopard Danios
Gandalf-my common pleco
Legolas and Gimli-my neon tetras
Sauron- i dont know the type of fish he is...
K.J.-my betta

LoL. i don't really care whether my fish are females or not, it just made a bit of sense to name them after my fav books.

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Your not crazing for naming your fish, I do too. Well, I don't name ALL my fish but the ones that are special get a name.

I have my to surviving gold tetras(bad case of ich) I named them Sponge and Bob, you can't tell the difference between them so sometimes their Sponge other times Bob.

I have an odd group of fish in my 55 right know, and angel, a severum(young) and a silver doller. They now me well and come up to the tank I just call them "My Friends". Another angle is name s Jaws, go figure.