Hi from Brasil

May 12, 2008
Hi everyone
I´m from brasil and i love fish tank.

But i really love DIY for Fish Tank. Man this is awesome. Make your own filter or something is really cool.

Fish tank is like a therapy. I like read some book next to my fish and is really impressive the calm that little creatures transmit to me its impressive.

in fact, is more that a hobby, it´s a life style.

May 12, 2008
"tanks" for your hospitality.
So my fish tank is a 60 Liter
with fresh water.

There´s 8 fish but the names are complicated. I´ll try find the cientific names. so you can find them.

i have some pictures in my pc and i´ll try post then.

Anyway i´m not a ronaldinho fan. In fact.. i don´t like soccer i am a real nerd and not so good in sports.
But soccer it´s really boring to me. 22 man running with a ball... nhá... I´ll pass.

See you.

"tanks" for your hospitality.
So my fish tank is a 60 Liter
with fresh water.

There´s 8 fish but the names are complicated. I´ll try find the cientific names. so you can find them.

i have some pictures in my pc and i´ll try post then.

Anyway i´m not a ronaldinho fan. In fact.. i don´t like soccer i am a real nerd and not so good in sports.
But soccer it´s really boring to me. 22 man running with a ball... nhá... I´ll pass.

See you.
AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!?! How can you not like soccer???? lol :D But atleast you like fish *thumbsups

May 12, 2008
Welcome to the tank!:D We're glad to have you here.Oh and missy i really, really have that sydrome.:pI know i only have four now but i wish i had more.
Hehehehehe sory dudes .... i have one tank and it´s enough for me ....
it´s a Community fish tank with natural plants, natural rocks, natural fishis *SUPERSMIL

I found the name for the fishis in my tank and here they are...

2 Pterophyllum scalare
4 Puntius tetrazona (1 green - 1 panda - 2 tetrazona)
1 Corydora Panda
1 big danio

but i really love the puntius. man they are a piece of problem. booted the plants, bite other fishis...
But the color and activity is incredible. For me it´s the most beautiful fish for fresh water.

Well bye bye for now.

May 12, 2008
Bas Times.

Hello Fihies.....
Bad Time for me...
i´m so sad, but so sad....
One of my barbus is dead.
I don´t no what happening. when I arrived at work. I see traped in plants and breathing with difficulty.
I try so hard but i can´t help my poor fish.
aaf..... whell what we can do ...

see you...