Hi from Hurricane Heaven

Yep, that's right....SUNNY FlORIDA.LOL!!!! :rolleyes:

I would just like to introduce myself. My name is Wendy. I love German Shepherds and Fish. We have 2 GSDs and 2 tanks (a 55g and a 30g hex). Our 30g is freshwater for 6 Platies (who keep having fry) and 1 Dwarf Neon Gourami. The 55g has 2 Columbian Shark Catfish, 2 Golden Gourami, 3 Tiger Barbs, 1 Dwarf Puffer... they are juveniles so we are currently just adding aquarium salt...not fully brackish yet, but will be one day and may have to move to a 75g or larger.

And, that's about it. This is a great site and I hope to learn a lot here. Thanks.


P.S. I forgot about the Plecos..we have 1 in each tank. :eek: And, just to clarify...the brackish tank will be for the Columbian Sharks, not the other fish in the 55g.;)

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We got some really high winds and rain from Frances. We had some tree limbs down and our power was out for awhile, but nothing as bad as some others got. We were lucky. Hurricane season isn't over yet though so, we are keeping our supplies handy. I was so worried about the fish when the power went out. We kept rotating the water with a cup and we were blowing in the tanks with a straw. LOL!
Thanks for asking. :)