hi i am new

Apr 27, 2003
South Wales
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my shark

well all the people i have talk to have red tailed shark and have all different kind of neons +tertras and they have done no harm to them.My mother had one he used to live in a tank with catfishs,neon-tertrasand a ranibow shark and he lived in a cave and when one came near his cave he would chase then away but never attack them......and i love them and nothing would make me get rid of Jaws(the shark)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
if you don't wish to incure my wraith don't put a pleco in a ten gal. tank.no i'm just kidding but realy though a ten gallon is a small tank you rtb shark is going to become a bad guy soon enough. now while he's young it's not a problem but as the shark gets older his agression will increase and so will his size.soon enough there won't be any room for him to turn around.plus at night your neons will sleep and that's when the shark will start picking them off one by one.neons sleep at the bottom of the tank at night.thats the same place where the shark will prowl for food.he will assume that the neons are dead and try to eat them.please don't put a pleco in a ten gal. tank thats just too small for a pleco.or at least most plecos in general.a few are small enough to go in a ten gal. tank.try an ottocinclus,they are a dwarf pleco of sorts and are a far better choice for a tank of that size.at any rate welcome to the tank and feel free to ask us any thing about fish.i know i can anwser a lot of questions.


Large Fish
Apr 7, 2003
The Milk Carton
rtbs's all have different personalities. most are quite aggressive, but some are not. even if yours isnt aggressive, it will need a larger tank, mininum 29 gallons. if you dont, the shark will be stunted in growth, and then he will die at a young age. i have heard of rtbs's that were very old, i think it was 6+ years! if you keep it in your tank, it will die at maybe 2 years, if lucky. so do the right thing and get him out of that tank.

dont put a pleco in a 10 gallon! i agree with mike, try ottos, they are supposed to be great fish.

not to be mean, but you really need to research before you get your fish. you cant just get anything you want, it wont work.


Large Fish
Apr 7, 2003
The Milk Carton
why not try some zebra danios? get 5 or so, then your tank will be stocked. also get some ottos, like 4. so this could be a setup:

10 neons
5 zebra danios
4 ottos

that sounds like a nice setup, hope u like it.

Apr 27, 2003
South Wales
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what about the shark
i did do lots of reaserch and they said that i could put him in a 10 gallon tank i have had my tank on friday and i do not want a bigger one!!!so next thursday iam going to get my fish light and a cat fish...and there is no way u can make me get rid of him i now the man that sold him to me he was live in a small tank than mine
do you have a red tailed shark...then if you do you now that they are gently to wards some fish but others theymight think that they are food or that they might hurt them.when i was 4 i remember my mum red tailed shark he was beautiful and he never hurt a soul and we had grown up together until a was7 then he passed away but he lived with other sharks and never hurt them so i think i will keep him if that's ok with you lot!!!!!!


Large Fish
Apr 7, 2003
The Milk Carton
wow! you are so mean! stop starting a flame war!

fine, if you dont want to listen to my or catfishmike's advice, then why did you make the post? and also, if you dont want to listen to my advice then just let your shark die at an early age. your acting childish! this site is for people to come to get their questions answered, not so you can ask a question and then flame every1 who says something you dont want to do.



Medium Fish
Nov 26, 2002
Vancouver, BC
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Hi Jaws. Hope you like using this site.

Trust me, everyone has the best of intentions when dealing with you, and with fish in general, and there are a lot of experienced people here. Just remember, you have to be careful about what you say, there are no facial expressions on the internet, and don't let yourself be easily offended. :)

People will give you advice, especially if you ask, but nothing is forcing you to take it (even if you should).


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Belfast, Northern Ireland
You only have a 10 gallon tank your shark will outgrow that tank and will become to aggressive and will kill all or most of the fish. I really wish that you would listen to us. Your getting the same advice from about 4 or 5 different people here. Please :):):):):):)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
no one is telling you to get rid of you animals.we are all dediacted fish keepers so we are only interested in the best for fish.think of it like this:suppose you went to the local zoo and you seen that they kept a full grown lion in a 12x12 foot cage and right next to the cage was a huge area that was like 100x100 feet.now think about what is better for the lion not for the zookeeper?