Hi I'm Brittany..

Jul 10, 2003
New Mexico
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Hey everyone! I'm Brittany. I'm 14 years old. My dad is in the military and we are stationed at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico. My family and I are just starting a 55 gallon freshwater (for those who don't know). We have had some fishtanks in the past, but they were all smaller. All the fish we've had/still have in the tank are:

2 bettas (both male)
2 molly's
2 silver dollars (although we were told their silver dollars, i don't think they are).
2 serpae tetras
2 bala sharks (dead)
3 angelfish (sadly, my baby's are dead)
4 glo-lite tetras
2 barbs (dead)
and i think that's it..lol

if you have any questions or comments or anything, ask or say...lol...