Hi my name is Jay, my girlfriend thinks I have a Problem

Hey there, 25yr old male from Ohio, within the past year I have got back into aquariums, had several as a kid, now I have 3 in my apartment, 30 long with 3 pirahna large Pakostimas...(spell check) several guppies that didn't get eaten, a yo yo loach, and a fiddler crab, Note my "aggressive" fish aren't so much. also I have a 10 gal with 2 angels a pair of platy's 2 black mollies, 2 cory, best thing to get a good nights sleep. Roomate has a 20 high with TOO MANY fish, small oscar, 2 jack Dempsies, 2 irrodecent sharks, 2 tiger barb. He won't listen to me.........anyone want to chat about fish hit me up on the e-mail we can chat on IM



Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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yes, welcome to the tank! my last gf didnt like my fish either...oh well! dont worry about it too much.

put a padlock on your tank top so your roomate has to get his own food. and tell him when those fish get full grown hes going to need a 150 gallon tank, and will have to clean it alot. also say that he should feed his cichlids cichlid pellets( not as fun, but it prevents disease and makes the fish more tempramental.):D


HA HA thanks again

Good Looking out there Froggy, HEY LADIES!

Hey Fishboy, no i am from the Eastside of the state, across the river from Wheeling West By God Virginia. I do have connections around the Upper Cincy area, where are you from?

Thanks Loach, looks like I am going to have to feed them, he left the day after graduation hasn't been back, good thing I like his Fish!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
Re: HA HA thanks again

Originally posted by HereFishyFishy1

Hey Fishboy, no i am from the Eastside of the state, across the river from Wheeling West By God Virginia. I do have connections around the Upper Cincy area, where are you from?

I'm around upper west side area of cincy..

Jun 29, 2003
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Sorry to hear about your gf. Fish is one of those things where the other person either really likes it or will think you're insane.

Me and my bf are both into fish -- we started with one tank, the occupants didn't get along and now we have ~14 (tanks get shifted around) on pallet racks and moved into an industrial unit together with a concrete floor. I'm happy that we both like fish the same. Both our mothers think we're insane.