Hi new here and thought Id join

I occasionally have some great DIY projects I like to share on this forum I happened to stumble upon. In this economy I think most fish keepers need all the DIY saving ideas available. Anyway as far as my disposition I have a lot of different hobbies and belong to different forum for them but have never been banned on any except Fishlore.com, basically for disagreeing with a moderator who kept provoking me. When I told then they were wrong to keep badgering repeatedly over the same point (blaming me for the loss of my lone female beta in a community tank), I was banned for disrespect. I should have saw it coming. Anyway Glad to join.


Superstar Fish
Thant's it! LOL just kidding thanks*SUPERSMIL
I was just short because I was working. Some days I am able to have more goof off time then others. I pull 55+ Hours for the local Performance Transmission shop/speed shop and put about 15-25 hours in a week into my own business (Torque Converter, Manual Transmission Rebuild Kit, Fuel rail cover, flexplate, flywheel). Anyway, what DIY stuff do you do. I build my own LED lighting and Algae Turf Scrubbers. I also build my own water storage areas that are plumbed to my large tanks. With these storage tanks I am able to maintain the water change water to the parameters needed for each tank. I keep the pH for the African tank to about 8.2 and the New worlds get about 7.4 pH. I make my own buffers. I dabble in the salt water as well. I like to make my own fish food. Well I guess thats enough rambling. Your turn!! LOL!!

well i hope you do not face the same issues here on this forum :) but something i learned from mommyhood...pick your battles :)

look forward to seeing your DIY projects
Yeah but Im not so sure it would have worked, the mod herself admitted to me after the fact that she was picked for this job to root out and keep Fishlore mainstream. At least she was honest Ill give her that much and effective I guess.

Feb 27, 2009
I've built a canopy for my 40gallon breeder. I'm installing now a light kit from AHSupply that will give me 96 watts. With their reflector, it will be be more light that my prior 110 watts with two 55 watt bulbs.

Now to find red LEDs to watch the night movement of my otos.


Superstar Fish
I have been messing around with LED's. I have one of my scrubbers running 4 of the 3 watt 660NM red LED's. So far algae growth is great! On the same tank (10G nano SW) I have 5, 3Watt 12,000K LED's lighting the display. It looks OK. These are some pics, the display glass has not been cleaned is a couple weeks so its not a clear as it could be. Anyway, here is an example of a 10G SW tank with only 5 little LED's that do not pull more then 15 watts, These are taken with a phone so please excuse the quality.
2011-10-16_18-28-04_197.jpg 2011-10-16_18-27-56_840.jpg 2011-10-16_18-26-52_893.jpg 2011-10-16_18-26-46_320.jpg 2011-10-16_18-28-41_685.jpg

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Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
mess with halides...better than LEDs :) the price makes it funner=challenging!

and ya a lot of forums now a day seem very...not welcoming to some. Kids are more apt to join the forum and overrun and people with great experiance dont seem as welcomed...and of course theres highschool drama and cliches!