Hi New User New Betta (pics)

Feb 20, 2006
Hey there, my name is Matt and although I have been browsing these forums for a while I only just registered. Mostly due to the fact that I just got a new addition, my betta (as of yet nameless). I would like to show him to y'all and ask a few questions about his behavior as I am somewhat unfamiliar with the species.

After seeing some of the betta's here I really couldn't decide what type or color I wanted but when I saw this guy at the store both my girlfriend and I agreed, he was it. His blue radiates in the light but he still has some red when he stretches out his fins. Also I thought the white tips on the front fins (see pic b/c i dunno what they are called) were pretty cool.

I currently have him in a 2.5 gal partially planted tank with a small internal filter. I read in the forums that some bett's dislike filters and current so the filter is on its lowest flow setting but he doesn't seem to mind it. Infact he sometimes goes right up to it letting his fins get stuck to the intake or swimming vigorously around the output. When he wants to rest he usually will perch himself on some of the micro-sword.

Now I have had him for 2days but I am already a little concerned because he hasn't been eating. He will find the food sometimes but only chews and spits it out. Could it be that he is a picky eater? Is he just adjusting? I was giving him Betta Bites by HBH Pet Products I will have to find out what the store was using. I also put in a few flakes from my other fish's supply but as I kinda expected he didn't even bother with those.
Another thing is he seems very active for a betta he is usually moving and my girlfriend's betta at college is rather docile. She doesn't have a filtered tank. Also my tanks are next to each other so he sees the guppies and neons next-door and he wants to get over there, or so it seems. My question is is his activity just a part of his personality or is there too much environmental stimuli (filter current and other tank) and I should limit it?

I think thats it for now hehe. Thanks for your time and if you have any name suggestions or anything else you think im missing please feel free.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Welcome! Blue beauty you got there! That is a nice set up, add a few more plants and it will look awesome. He looks like a Fabio to me (-:

Don't be too nervous about him eating. A Betta can take several days to adjust to new food. Flakes are out, they hate them. If he does not take to the Betta bites you can try Betta Bio-Gold, my Betta loves them.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
very pretty :) I think all of his activity is probably just because he's a more active betta. He has more things to look at than your gf's betta, some water current...but as you said he has spots he can rest in the tank if he feels like it right?

My betta loves hikari betta food...but it would be a good idea to experiment if he doesn't eat a little in the next day or so. A good start would be to see what the lfs was feeding, or try some frozen bloodworms. Mine likes live baby brine shrimp...or in the summertime I give him mosquito larvae sometimes. Most bettas are pretty picky eaters.


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
UB cracks me up. He is always flaring! What a little bulldog! :p

edit... Matt, btw, I think the setup you have for your betta is great. They definitely prefer warmer, clean water. I had mine in a "bowl" for a while and he just looked miserable so I put him in a 10 gallon without a heater and he seemed better but he had a hard time getting to his food because of the current, so alas, I put him in a 5.5 gallon to himself with a heater and a light flow filter and he brightened up and acted like he was a pig in poo! Even my husband commented on the difference it seemed to make. (which is huge, btw) ;) I think he just needs some time. Maybe do like Froggy said and give him a couple of bloodworms as a treat to spoil hima little adn then just lavish him with good clean water and attention and he will certainly come around. Good luck, he is beautiful.

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Feb 20, 2006
Wow thanks for all the quick response's I am at work right now gonna stop by Aquarium Adventures on my way home ask them about the food he was eating before and also pickup a few more plants and a small piece of aquarium wood, possibly. Any suggestions on plants? I think i need some low level plants / gorund cover I don't want it to get too crouded.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Hi all,
Yep that is UB, when I take his picture he never seems to be the same color. UB is for U.B. my Uncle Bob, he got me into Betta keeping after I baby sat his fish.
Yep UB is always flaring, he flares at his reflection, shows off for his female "pin ups" on the side of the tank (even made a bubble nest next to one) and flares at me all the time, right before he gives the feed me wiggle dance. He flares at my cats too. If you go away from him he follows you flaring while facing you head on. I got him on video and he flared at my sony camera swaying his fins back and forth. Show off (-:

Feb 20, 2006
Update: My girlfriend liked the name 'Blue' from PuNanny's post but, I think I will call him Bagel... I dunno why but i think Bagel is a good name. Even though from time to time I will be saying "You're my boy Blue!" like today when he ate! I went the live food route got him some worms and he ate 2 of those guys infront of me after a short inspection of the wriggly lil delicacies.
When i got them I kinda was zoning out (work related daze) so I'm not sure what the lady said they were. I think tubifex (sp), they are segmented, only about 1/2" long, kinda look like mini earthworms and come in a tiny cup of water that she said to keep in the fridge... What are these?

They didnt have any plants that tickled my fancy so I will probably be ordering from azgardens shortly. And $20 for a shoddy little piece of wood is not gonna happen in my tank!

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
UB's ego

Thanks Ninamarie. :) UB thinks he is the toughest fish on the block and has to constantly protect his pin up and aquarium from the outsiders (me, my family, the cats, the camers LOL) he gets so flared up I cover his aquarium with my robe at night so he will not see the cats and go to sleep.

Here is a close up of UB facing off the camera, I keep telling him to stop or his face is going to stay that way:p


Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Bright colors that is hilarious. One time I showed UB a new mirror he rushed over to it then dived quickly into his cave. I wondered why he had gotten so scared untill I looked at the mirror. I accidentally showed him the 10 x magnified side. I guess he thought he was no match for the biggest betta he ever saw. LOL