I just checked the pH in my 20 gallon tank, it measured 7.6 on the scale that came in the package, im not sure if that's high, but if it is how can I lower it?
It just has a bunch of plants and two zebra danio's
7 is neutral, but 7.6 should be just fine. Don't try to alter it. Your fish will adjust to any ph that's not absolutely nuts. However, trying to change it to make it "perfect" would cause a lot of unintentional swings in ph every time you change water, or top off the tank if water has evaporated. It's the swings that would stress your fish. Zebra danio's prefer a ph of 6.5 to 7.0, but they are very hardy fish, and really shouldn't mind 7.6 at all. Leave well enough alone.