Hi there!

I was looking around for some info on fish since I have no clue what I got into six months ago! Luckily I came here! I just recently got a 5g tank for the three swordtail fry I managed to save from my female swordtail Trinity.


20g tank:
2 Bettas - Kissyboots (f) and Juju (m)
2 Swordtails - Trinity (f) and Neo (m)
2 Peppered Cories - Hobbes (f) and Wasabi (m)
2 Ghost Shrimp - too cool to be named
1 Chinese algae eater - Sushi (?)
4 Neon Tetras - Ripples (f), rest are unnamed (m,m,m)

5g tank:
3 swordtail fry - one week old and can’t tell the difference