Hi there!

I am new to this forum. I have enjoyed fish for about 3 years now. Just recently I got a 75gal. tank for my Pacu (got him as a birthday gift in Nov. of 2001). When I got him I didnt know anything about him, and all I had was a 29gal. tank. Well, it didnt take him too long to out row that.

Anyways, I live in Massachusetts (South Shore), I am 23 years old. I work for a semi-conductor distributor, doing Quality Assurance.

My tank: (I will have pictures when I develop them) Like I said, I have a 75 gallon tank (All Glass Aquarium). 2 Aqua Clear 500 filters, and 1 40w (we took the other one out because it was way to much light).

Fish: I have a Pacu (about 13-16 inches now), a Red Tiger Oscar, he is just a baby. Oscar is 4-6 inches. I have a Convict, fully grown. I also have a red jewled chiclid, fully grown. I had 3 pink fighting gouramis, but one died yesterday, so now I have 2.

I have live plants in my tank (I think people here call it a 'planted tank') about 1/2 of the tank is planted. The convict loves to eat the plants.
Decorations in my tank are lava rocks and 1 hunk of glass rock thing.


Originally posted by AmazonTankz
Well good luck with you pacu, they can get really big!! I expect you'll have to buy an even larger tank withen a year and let the oscar have the 75g!!
Actually, I plan on it. He is growing wicked quick, and I can't get a bigger tank. I think I know a store that will take him.

I didn't exactly proof read that...ah, what I ment to say was, I plan on getting rid of Pacu this year, because I cant get a bigger tank. DOH!


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