Hi to my fellow fishkeepers

Mar 6, 2003
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Addicting hobby, isn't it? I've been keeping fish a couple years now. It started with an impulse purchase of a five gallon tank system and some neon tetras for the purpose of amusing my indoor cat. It amused me instead. I went and got a 10 gallon, and then a 37 Eclipse 3, and another 10 gallon for molly babies....

I have also had a botia modesta, clown loaches, tiger barbs, cory cats, pl*cos, zebra danios, and ruby barbs in the various tanks. Tragedy struck when I put a bircher in my big community tank - he found most of the occupants delicious. The modesta is the only survivor from that tank, and I'm starting all over. Clown loaches and puffers are my favorite fishes.

One of my 10 gallons has been sitting empty for a while and I'm considering either putting a puffer in it or having a little planted tank. Can't decide. :)

Nice to find other people who understand this beautiful and peaceful hobby.