Hi ya...


Small Fish
Jan 1, 2003
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Let's see:

I am a computer service processor by day, a student by night. I live in NJ and am the proud owner of two tanks.

I have a 75 gallon tank with 3 filters on it. This is a basic run down of the filters and hearter on it.

Fluval 403 can filter with custom spray bar
Teratec 500 power filter
Undertow undergravel filter plates with (2) Aquaclear 802 powerheads
(2) 300 watt heaters

I have 3 pl*cos, 4 emerald Cory Catfish, 10 Black Widow Tetras, 10 lemon tetras, 7 Ottos, and 1 clown loach, 11 Zebra Danios, 2 Gouramis, and 1 black phantom tetra and a mess of Algea eaters that refuse to sit still for me to count them, about 5, I would say.

In the "Baby" tank, it is a 20 gallon with Teratec 300 on it. I have 8 platys, 2 peppered Cory Cats, as well as 2 algae eaters, 4 feeder guppies, and my LO66 Pleco.

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