Hi !


Small Fish
Jan 19, 2004
Visit site
Hello tank!

I found this place one day I was looking for some freshwater tank photos, and I ended up in some part of this website (I can´t find how to get there again) that has three groups of tanks classified by size. i enjoyed it so much I started thinking about trying FW again.
I´m currently trying to finish my second SW tank that I hope will turn into a nice reef.
I started very early (when I was 9 or 10) with my first 5 gal tank that I got as a gift from a local aquarium administrator (friend to my mom´s). I was hooked for good, and after that, and after going thru all the painful learning curve (we didn´t have internet back then) I ended up with a 55 gal tank, that I torn apart after I had to move, but when I had the chance to pull it back together I decided to try SW. I´ve doing SW the past 4 years, but spent the previous 10-15 years keeping FW tanks. I feel I didn´t learn much that time, so I´m thinking a may give it a new shot, start from scratch, as a newbee I feel I am.

I´m glad to be here and I hope to learn and share experiences with you, now that I realize about my problem.........I´m addicted to tanks !!!! OMG!!! :eek:

:D :D :D

It´s nice being here !


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
sorry when arcab revised our site he removed the top tanks section.i think that is what you are refering to.some of those tanks were nice.try ore rate my tank section thats our new photo gallery for tanks.anyways welcome to the tank grazhopr.


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
Nice to meetcha. Where do you hail from? Many of us post our tank info in our signature which helps us get to know each other. Course, some who shall remain nameless put silly things in the signatures but we will leave Gomer alone today. ;-) Welcome.


Small Fish
Jan 19, 2004
Visit site
Originally posted by Cichlid-Man
Yes MTS (Multipule Tank Syndrome) many of us have it.......and its spreading fast :D
You bet.... I´m feeling desperate to start a FW tank, although I may have to hold it for awhile, until I´m completely settled in my new place....

Originally posted by catfishmike
sorry when arcab revised our site he removed the top tanks section
I still have that section bookedmarked in my office, and still works !!! I´ll get it and post it here. It´s very cool...

Originally posted by dana307
Nice to meetcha. Where do you hail from? Many of us post our tank info in our signature which helps us get to know each other
Likewise dana. I´ll be posting silly questions :D every so often from Barcelona (not Spain´s, but Venezuela´s, South America...mmmm.....may not ring a bell for many of you, right ? LOL.

Right now I could only sign my posts with:
120 gal tank (empty).
2 175 watts MH
2 55 watt actinics
triple pass Red Sea Pharm Berlin Skimmer
40 gal sump.
Mag 12 return pump
No livestock yet.

My hobby history took a big turn one day I returned home to find I had 50 gals of salt water on my dining/living room floor :( (a skimmer hose had come loose), so I lost everything inside that tank.

I was devastated for a few days, until I decided it was time for...............a tank upgrade :D :p

This time I wanted to go the whole nine yards: A big tank with corner overflows, a sump, a nice plumbing hook up (leak/spill proof) and all the gadgets to minimize maintenance chores and reduce the chances for accidents. But darn!, it couldn´t be just easy, I had to put my patience to a tough test......I needed to wait until I moved to my new place, which didn´t happen for about six months :eek: . And here I am yet, waiting to fix and improve a few things in my new apartment, so that I can dedicate 1000% to my favorite hobby.......fish keeping. Luckily I may start filling the big tank in a couple of weeks (cross my fingers). And then I´ll start putting together everything I need for my new FW tank.
I just can´t wait !!!

Well, I think I better stop, cause I may have reached the size limit for a single post... :rolleyes:

I´m really glad I found this place, and I hope to build a nice setup , with your kind help and advice, and eventually, be able to share my experiences (good or bad).

Thanks for the welcome froggyfox and Igor, and to everyone else.... *celebrate

Seriously.......I´m shutting up now !!! :D

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