
Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to introduce myself. My name's Philippe. Was an aquarium hobbiest for quite some time, and just recently got back into it.

Actually on Sunday, my wife and bought a 50 gallon Clear For Life UniQuarium w/ built in Wet Dry, and yesterday put in our first 4 fish. We basically bought the tank for my son, who just turned a year old, and he LOVES IT! Especially now that there is fish in it. LOL.

So our first 4 fish are: 2 Gold Gouramis, and 2 Bala Sharks. Just to start of right now...More to come, of course. :)

Well hope everyone is having a good day. Take care.



Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Welcome to MFT :)
Your son is so lucky, one year old with a 50 gal. tank! :)
Bala sharks are not agressive so your other fish are not in danger, but C_paan is right about their size, they do get to be a little large for a 50 gal. Also watch those golden gouramis, they have a tendancy to not get along well together.
Good luck with your new tank! :)