
Small Fish
Jun 8, 2004
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Hi everyone!! I have been reading this mb for a bit getting a lot of interesting info.

I have a 20 gall with 4 angels and had an exciting lay eging female and needed some help. None of the babies survived but I learned on how to make it more comfy for them to lay again.

My bf just recently purchased a 40 gal from garage sale for $40, I am jealous (I admit) and I have been helping him set it up. He has 9 African Cichlids and I got him two eels, one passed. this is also some info I was looking to learn about, since I would love to see it grow.

I also have been looking up info for my job. I work with this website that provides pet friendly info and I am in charge of the fish section in our forum. I fanyone has a chance check it out at


Hope to get to know most of you and share our experiences.