
Jun 6, 2006
I may be new to this site but not to the aquarium hobby.Ive been into fish since i was 8 years old.i went fishing and caught my first fish.A bluegill,since then ive loved fish and now have several aquariums and a part time job at my local fish store.As my screen name might imply i breed mollies.Just not in my aquariums.I started a breeding program at my local fish store.I get to keep half of the babies since im the one taking care of them.Ive known about this site for a while now.my cousin(bala_aquarium)told me about it when i asked him about his plecos.So im tired of breeding mollies and want something a little more challenging.i was thinking maybe plecos.Can anyone help with that.
my current tanks at home are,
55g-alot of dalmation and black mollies
29g-6 neon tetras,4 true rummy nose tetras
150g-attempting fishless cycle currently
if any of my tanks are over stocked do not hesitate to tell me.
im spending some time with my cousin this week so when i get back home im not going to be comming to this site for a while, im in the proccess of wiping my computer clean from a virus.

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
You can access them under User CP and edit avatars. Also a lot of us have signeratures containing our tanks. You can do that buy clicking edit signerature.

I would love to see your 29 gallon with neons and rummies.

Lastly, welcome to the tank mollybreeder. I find it very enjoyable.

Edit: silver dollars you beat me to it.

Jun 6, 2006
sure thing ill make a sig and get some pics.it will be about a week though becuase i live florida but im visiting my mom and cousin right now, they live out in illinios.