
Aug 21, 2008
hi i am new to this i have just brought a tank 90 long 50 deep and 31cm wide is this ok for two blue gouramis and some little suckers that dont grow big and some apple snails will send you photos when i can i live in middlx england by heathrow airport any feed back i will love bye sue*twirlysmi


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL

Tank Capacity:
Liters: 139.5
US Gal: 36.9
UK Gal: 30.7

You are a little limited on what fish you can keep but yes your tank is large enough to keep the fish you listed. I do recommend you do some research on any fish you want to keep. Especially the "sucker" you mentioned. There are over 400 species of pleco and most of them are not appropriate for your tank as they get too large. A good species for you would be the Bristle Nose pleco . They are easy to find and stay small enough and are one of the best algae eating plecos.

Check this website out for your pleco research Home • PlanetCatfish

Again welcome to the tank, please ask any questions you may have no matter how silly they may seem.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
welcome to the tank..I am assuming you are talking about dwarf blue gouramis...these can be very aggressive towards males there own species (the are related to betta's)and through my experience (and some others on here as well) 2 do not do well together. With DG's the males are the most common in petstores due to the females being kinda drab in color. I know that most sites say keep them in pr's but from what I can research they either want to just sell you more fish or they mean a m/f pr. If you keep 2 males together I would expect to find one dead after a few weeks. If you search for dwarf gourami on here or go under my profile I have in the past posted links on DG's care. When my first dominant male killed off the other male, I reeplaced it..same thing happened except the new one became the dominant and killed off the original. He then started picking fights with some juvi parrots (hybrids) that where temp. housed with it. He would relentlessly harass them even after the would team up and kick his butt. After about 3 days he ended up dead but he was always the one starting the fights, they just finally finished it.