

Small Fish
Sep 11, 2008
Hi everybody!

I started up my tank back in June, but I had fish on and off growing up. I remember some of it, but I think I forgot more! :rolleyes:

I currently have 6 Guppy males, 2 Dwarf Platy females, 1 Dwarf Platy Male, 1 bottom feeder I think some kinda Catfish (My sis got him for me), and 1 Angel fish (which I have found out is going to be a monster fish).

I did NOT do well with the female Guppies and I did lose some others in the beginning. I have figured out (somewhat) what went wrong and I'm happy to say everyone is thriving now (little too much thriving is happenin' with the Angel).

I just set up a 2.5 gallon tank, it was going to be for female Guppies (I am just asking for trouble I know), but my Dwarf Platy girls have EXPLODED. Now it is going to be a fry tank.

*DRUMMER* (I love this emoticon)

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Small Fish
Sep 11, 2008
I do love Sponge Bob, but I haven't seen that episode! I actually don't have any Guppy females, they all passed a month into starting my tank. I was going to get more, but I haven't and now the Platies are ginormous so no Guppy ladies for now!

I had been told that Guppies are docile, but mine lately have been little beasts! They pick on all the other fish (not that catfish I rarely see him, I actually forgot I had him in the beginning lol!).

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Small Fish
Sep 11, 2008
What size tank do you have that you keep all the other fish in?
My main tank is 10 gallons, aside from the fish I have 4 live plants - 1 Bamboo & 3 of something kinda grass like. *laughingc

Btw, the catfish is probably a cory and they should be kept in groups.
I had been trying to remember what the heck he is, I remember them saying he was a something catfish. My sister was really wanting to get a shark (more like hell bent on it) I told her there be NO fish that would pick on my Guppies in the tank!

I have been careful to make ask if the potential fish I buy need to have a buddy/ies.


Small Fish
Sep 11, 2008
Thanks for the warm welcome!

Does anybody happen to know if I can use a glue gun to glue some DIY ornaments for my tank? My guess is no, but I want to make sure.