

Small Fish
Oct 21, 2008
Raleigh, NC
Hi everyone!
I found this forum after searching for an answer to a fish question. I found what I was looking for, but then I figured why not join? *BOUNCINGS

I started with a betta, had him for a year or so (before accidentally killing him :( ) I found my first fish tank at a thrift store, $25 for an entire 10 gallon freshwater set-up (sans fish, of course). So I bought it, pretty good deal I thought. I bought some fishkeeping books and started setting it up. My first fish in there were: 2 swordtails, 2 corydoras, and 2 African dwarf frogs (ok, so they aren't really fish :p ). First time the swordtails had babies I wasn't experienced enough to keep the fry alive, so they eventually died. The second time around I knew what I was doing. :) The frogs died, and I don't have the original 2 swordtails anymore, but did keep with the species.
So now today I have a 55 gallon tank (I bought it used from another student here, another good deal!). It is home to 7 swordtails (all full grown, but not all from my litter), 2 platys, 2 corydoras (the original two!), a female betta, a rosy barb, 4 black skirt tetras (two of the dyed ones...I didn't know any better at the time of purchase), 2 lemon tetras and 1 pleco.

Hehe, sounds almost exactly like what I did. I started with a used 20g with swordtails, cories, etc. I've had other tanks in between but now I have a 55g with the original two cories and their offspring, some otos, and danios.
So far I've bred swordtails which I had to give back to Petco, cories, and now I'm attempting otos!

Anyway, enough rambling, glad you joined the site and hope you have fun here!

Edit: Btw, I'd love to see your tank; you can start a thread in the "rate my tank" section or whatever. :D

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