

Large Fish
Dec 31, 2008
As a self proclaimed fish nerd, I was siked to stumble onto this site. I can't believe it's taken this long to find others who are just as geeky about their fish. Yeah, that's right- I called y'all a bunch of geeks. Anyways, I finally convinced my husband to get me a 55 gal long (the biggest tank our little duplex will comfortably house) and I'm partially up in the air as to what it will house. I know that I'll be adding a few Rainbowfish, 2 silver dollars and my 2 plecos (Sam and Sally), but from there, I'm stumped (I may throw my Praecox in there along with my Danios). I absolutely LOVE Balas, and had one for years (until he choked on gravel), but I can't bring myself to get more knowing what I know now about them and their space requirements. My 30 gallon will probably house a few additional fish (a couple Hatchets and fruit tetras??) now that I've got room so split up what I have, so any suggestions will be appreciated! Oh, not big on real plants- I rock with them, but I hate the snails and am waaaaayyyy to OCD to deal with half eaten plants all the time, so for me, I'm good with plastic :). I'll get pics up shortly. Talk to y'all later!