
ms dee

Small Fish
Feb 24, 2003
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Hi everyone My name is Dee and I new to salt water. I have some freshwater tanks . I have a 20 gallon long with tiger brabs corycats and a couple of black molly the I breed .I gave the mother and father and siblings to my mother and daughter. I even trade some for a beautiful live rock now in my 29 gallon fish/reef tank. I also have a 29gal with gourami and a rainbow shark. These was in my 20 gal long but to big so I put them in a tank to themself. my daughter has 20 gal community tank and my son has a turtles tank.(10 gal).

I would like to get abigger saltwater tank but that's has to wait for now:cool: but if there anyone in the columbus,ohio area that would like to become pals and help each other with saltwater tanks please let me know. some times I'm scared I wake up and everything will be dead in my salt water tank.

thanks guys for listen hope to make new friends that love to watch their fish friends in home at home.*SUNSMILE* *SUNSMILE*