

Small Fish
Aug 8, 2003
bracknell berks uk
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:D hi, my names susie and i live in the uk, i have a 5yr old boy and a hubby called cat. we have 2 rabbits called bugsy and twin, 2 guinea pigs called tom and jerry, 4 chickens called sage, onion, parsley and thyme, 2 budgies called percy and lady, 2 rats called ratty and mole, 2 giant african land snails called slip and slide, a cat called nomad, 2 yellow bellied slider turtles called buffy and angel.
I have a fish house and currently run 48 tanks. smallest is 10 uk gallons and largest is 150 uk gallons.
I keep all sorts of fish from my planted community tank with neons, tetras etc to a malawi hap tank with big cruisers. i also keep the dwarf cichlids and have a nice selection of unusual livebearers. i have had success breeding alot of my fish, especially the lake victorian cichlids.
my hubby thinks im nuts and says we should call our house noah's ark:p
