Hide and Seek - A Fish Story


Large Fish
May 16, 2004
Florissant, MO
Visit site
:) It was time to catch convict babies and take them to the LFS. First, I take out the plastic plants and catch a few. Then I start taking out the rocks and stuff to catch a few more. Finally, the only things in the tank are fish and one huge piece of driftwood. I catch all the babies but notice my six-inch bristlenose is gone.

Knowing how they like to hide, I examined, shook, and tapped on everything as I took it out of the tank. He was not in the bucket with the babies. He was not on the floor and the dog did not look guilty. I stirred the gravel around and looked in my filter box. No bristlenose.

Gave up and went to the LFS. Traded in the babies and had a wonderful time discussing what happened to the bristlenose. I came home, put the tank back together, and added a six-inch common pleco to replace the missing bristlenose.

I had a few decorations that no longer fit. Most of them I packed away, but one piece (see link) went into my 40 gal in my computer room.

You got it! Later that night, I looked over at the 40gal and there was a tail sticking out of the decoration. Since that tank already had bristlenose, I wasn’t sure, but after sitting in a very dimly lit room with the tank lights off the missing fish appeared.

That was about three weeks ago and he is doing well! I haven’t moved him again!



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
lol... good story. I had a similar thing happen with a skunk loach who hid in a piece of driftwood. I took the driftwood out of the tank to do some maintenance, and put it on top of a bucket (the wood was too big to go in the bucket). A few minutes later I heard a "plop" and some thumping, as the loach jumped out of the wood and into the bucket.

Fish don't always act in their best interests :p