
Heeloo. I'm new to the forum. Been skulking around the forum and forgot all about introductions *twirlysmi .
I've seen some great photos here and the people seem very nice, helpful, and friendly.
I'm 19, got serious about the hobby about 5 or 6 years ago. It started when I baught my very own convicts and it's gone into full blown Cichlidophilia since then. My "specialty" (if I can call it that ;) ) would be Malawians. Mbuna and haps, having kept quite a number of species of mbuna and venturing into haps.
I've wet my feet (anyone like cheese? hehehe) with SA's and CA's but haven't got the whole feel of them yet. Had a wonderful but short experience with L. dorsigera. I seriously think anyone with at least a 20gl tank should try them out! They're great and active dwarfs.
I'm currently working on my set-ups with tangs with the help of my BF (really big on the shellies :: giggles ::)
A few months ago I realized that the bills were piling up, fish food was getting expensive, and that there were grow-out tanks and tubs in the kitchen. So I decided it was time to downsize. I was able to whittle it down to 5 tanks and somehow I'm back up to 8. There is NO CURE! *SICK*
Thank ou for you time (sorry to make it so long :eek: ) and feel free to say hello and help me to get to know a little about you!

Thanks! You've got some awesome tanks. I envy your wet-thumb!
Seems as though the only time I have that kinda luck is when I don't touch my planted tanks at all. Last planted tank I had was doing well (ordered some plants, rough-scaped the tank, plopped on inefficiant lighting) till I decided I was gonna do it the right way and upgrade the lighting, add Co2, fertilize when needed, and generally care about it. You should see what I have left. Quite pathetic and that gibby all of a sudden turned into a plant-eater ain't helpin none.
I'll be lookin to score some tips off you :D . hehehe.