Hiding Sick Betta

My betta had recently got Ick, and I have added a treatmeant into the water, which seemed to make it go away. After the treatment, I also added a fungus followup medicine which was recommended after the use of the Ick Clear. Ever since the fungus followup my male betta has been hiding inside the cave of my community tank, just hanging out with the ghost shrimp. Is there anything I should do? Or will he come out on his own? Thanks in advance.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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That can happen, medication really makes fish more groggy and reduces oxygen levels in the tank.

Just a few things to check off:

- Ick needs to be treated for 30 days, otherwise the cycle can start-up again.

- Fungus treatment after Ick is not a bad idea, but remember only to treat for the first week, then use carbon or do a full water change to remove the medicine from the tank.

I expect he is just a little sore and tired. I he is still eating and swimming, I would not worry about it too much.

Just keep him company and try to let him rest.

Let us know how he is doing in a few days.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Sure, go ahead, see how he reacts. Keep the tank light off and do it slowly.

Take a closer look at his body.. is he paler than normal? Any red marks or cotton like formations on his body? Is his stomac bloated, or scales raised?

You have enough fish in your tank, what are your readings for ammonia and nitrite? Just double check your water perameters.

My Betta finally came out of his cave on his own, however, he is jsut sitting on TOP of the cave now, hiding in the plants. Yeah my Betta does have ICK which he has been treated for for the past few weeks. My betta is paler like you have said, however I donnot see any red marks because he is RED. No stomach bloating or raised scales. I do think he might have cotton mouth, thats why I followed up the last ICK treatment with the FUNGUS treatment. Should I isolate my betta from the rest of the tank? I fear he is about to die soon... :-(


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Yes, isolate him. He can survive mouth fungus, but you need to treat him with Jungle Anti-Fungus (No carbon filter right?) and repeat dosage after a 25% water change every 4th day. It should clear-up in a couple days.

Don't worry too much about him eating for now, just keep him company.

Today he came out of his cave, and his discoloration seemed A LOT better, and he isnt breathing as heavy, however, he does have a bad case of Ick still. I think he is eating now, atleast he was swimming around the tank looking for food. I am currently using Ick Clear by Jungle... is there another one that works better? I have ghost shrimp and dwarf frogs so I cant use copper! Thanx


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Thats a good sign (more color/activity).

If you are already treating the tank for Ick, leave him in there. Are you also treating for Fungus at the same time?

Jungle Ick treatment works pretty good (I used it on Rigel my Big Blue Male).

Just to mention it... thats one really, really stocked 10 gallon! Maybe this summer, you can find a bigger tank (like a 20gal for that many fish) at a garage sale for like $10.00. Ask around the family, I found 2 good tanks for free that way (38 gal and 29 gallon)

If you do get a bigger tank, move everyone over except for the betta and the frogs, and maybe a shrimp to two. Betta's like their own space, about 10 gallons would do it!

My Betta seems to be recovering... slowly but surely. A few, actually three, of my ghost shrimp have died... my dad is planning on purchasing a 110 gallon tank, so once he gets that tank bought, up, and established, I think I might move some fish in there. Today I did a 15%-20% water change, and this weekend I am buying Aquarium Salt and adding some to the tank as a more 'natural' treatment for ICK, since I have heard it works well, and I have heard it doesn't harm the mollies or platies...