High Ammonia Levels

Oct 10, 2007
I have a 44 gallon tank with only a pair of guppies and 4 neon tetras in it. I have an Emperor filter with bio-wheel as well as a sponge filter in the tank. The tank has been set up for over a month and a half now. However, I have had high ammonia levels for weeks. Each weekend I do a quarter to half water change using combination of bottled water and tap water. I have used AmmoLok to get rid of the ammonia. However, with testing using both strips and liquid drops, the ammonia levels are at the highest end. I have also had cloudiness issues.

The only other possible variable I can think of is I have a piece of drift wood I purchased at the aquarium store.

Any suggestions about how to get the ammonia level down to safe reading would be most appreciated.



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
What kind of test kit are you using (strips, one-bottle test, two-bottle test)? Some types of kits will still measure ammonia, even if it has been detoxified to ammonium by Ammolock.

How high are your ammonia readings?

Have you tested your dechlorinated water for ammonia? If you have chloramines in your tapwater, once it is dechlorinated, the water will have some ammonia in it.


Medium Fish
Jul 20, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario
it is probably your AmmoLok that is causing the high ammonia level reading. These ammonia detoxers like AmmoLok and prime will cause your ammonia test to go super dark off the charts because of the chemicals in the detoxer reacts with your tests.

try doing a large water change with a regular water conditioner and doing a test BEFORE you add any of your ammonia detoxer.

Sep 3, 2007
Southeast USA
Did you clean the driftwood before you put it in the tank? I have had it happen before that I forgot to clean driftwood that I used in a reptile tank before I put it in the fish tank. The dried reptile urine caused the ammonia levels to freakin skyrocket and I instinctively realized what I did and took it right out for a thorough cleaning.

The next day after a water change, all was well. Weird, but explainable by the urine I guess...


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Sounds like you need to just cycle your tank thoroughly. If you're unfamiliar with that term, you can check out the stickies or the link in my signature. If your ammonia is actually that high, it will soon be killing your fish, so you should definitely take care of this ASAP.


Medium Fish
Sep 19, 2007
Atlanta, GA
From my test kit, "AMMO-LOCK does not remove ammonia. It simply converts toxic ammonia to a non-toxic form. Ammonia test kits will still test positive for ammonia." I'm thinking more frequent water changes until it's under control, perhaps daily for a few days. I have also had success with adding amquel+ to aid in lowering the levels.