High KH values....Problem?? & dip strips

Oct 21, 2009
Hi, I have high kh values out of my tap. Everything else seems to be fine, the PH is a little high but not too bad. The kh is the total alkalinity and looks like it is around 300ppm. Is this bad for fish? If so how do you lower the KH I have not seen anything to do that. I'm using the dip strips to determine all of my stats, does anyone think that they are not good to use? If I compare it to the regular drop tests is looks like that same reading.


Oct 22, 2009
Marysville, Ohio
well generally speaking and from my personal experience strips were horribly inaccurate and seem to be with most other people. there are some sort of pillow type things otu there to mess with your gh and kh. but i have to warn when you start to mess with gh/kh your ph will also move either up or down depends what you do to the gh/kh.


Large Fish
Oct 21, 2009
The easiest way to lower kh I believe would be to do water changes with RO or DI water. My lfs sells RO water for $0.50/gal. You can get DI water at wal-mart for around $0.75/gal.

You have to be careful adding in pure ro/di water because you can really lower the pH or make the pH in your tank unstable. If you use ro/di water strictly you have to add salts & minerals back into the water.

You might want to try your next water change with 50% conditioned tap water and 50% ro/di water, or some combination of the two. That would lower your kH but still keep enough buffering capacity in your tank to maintain stable pH.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Your KH isnt high for certain fish.
Livebearers would do perfectly fine in that water.

If you absolutely WANT to keep neon tetras, angelfish or something that likes acidic water and low KH, then be prepared to spend a lot of money on maintaining your water.

As a rule that i go by, see what parameters your tap has, and select fish that can handle them. In terms of GH: A GH of up to 450ppm is not a problem for livebearers either. I've had them in water with 600ppm GH.

It also sounds like your water might be good for african rift cichlids. however idk about your pH.

As a side note: get liquid tests instead and make sure they're not expired.