High Nitrate?


Medium Fish
Dec 6, 2012
Attaching photo.

My readings are zero ammonia and nitrite. But nitrates are at 80ppm??

I just finished planting the tank last week. Here's the stock:

29 gallon (regular) heated tank, has the emporer filter, not the 400- one step down with bio wheel.

2 Dalmatian mollies
9 neons
7 black skirts
1 dwarf gourami
1 Cory cat

Plants: 8 java ferns, 1 water sprite, 1 micro sword, 4 anubias, 1 crypto wendtii, 2 anacharis, and 2 cambomba


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
All that mean is you have to do a water change. It's said, that ideally you keep your nitrates below 30-40ppm in a stocked tank. So far my 29gal looks like weekly WC's are a must to keep them below ~40. On my little 10gal, it's more like every 4 days or so.

Nitrates are GREAT. That means you've got a great nitrogen cycle going on in your tank. You've just got to keep them under 40ppm to keep your water critters happy and healthy.
