forgot to mention snails
Hello all,
Not sure where to post my question, but I have a high nitrate problem in my tank. Have had the tank since November 2011 and am very new to fish keeping. It is a 30L coldwater tank and I initially had four fish in in , two black moors and two fantails. One of each died quite quickly, but the other two have survived,my baby T rex and Rhubarb, despite suffering from white spot and swim bladder disease which we managed to sort out. Ammonia levels were high, but now normal post treatment.
The current problem is high nitrates, have been doing 20 percent water changes every other day and weekly gravel cleans now and only feeding once or twice daily and only a small amount. Rhubarb( the fantail) has black marks on his dorsal and I read this could be due to ammonia burns , but ammonia is normal , so all I can think of is that the nitrate level is causing it.
Please help if you can, I love my little angels and dont want them to suffer .
Many thanks in advance ,
Sam, Jason, T rex and Rhubarb xxx
Ps forgot to say have two apple snails, Rick and Vivian, who I thought were meant to help eat the waste products .