High Nitrite


Small Fish
May 19, 2003
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Hello I have a 55 gal tank that has been setup for a month with 1 jack demsey and 1 sa chcild. I have done a water change of 10 gals by cleaning my gravel and my nitrite are still high what can I do to bring them down?


Small Fish
May 19, 2003
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My fish are about 1 1/2" long. I think what I going to do is cut back there feeding to once every other day. Is there any chemical product anyone suggest that I can use?

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Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
i agree that you need to do more water changes, but with so little fish in a 55 gallon with nitrite problems, you likely need more biological filtration.

so before you start dumping chemicals into your tank, what are you using to filter it?


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO

you need MUCh more biological filtration on your tank than what that filter can offer.

add one of these and you will fix your problem over the long term, instead of just doing a quick fix with chemicals:

-a penguin 330 (bio-wheels)
-an emperor 400 or 280 (bio-wheels)
-an aquaclear 300 or 500 (no wheels, but great bio from the sponges.

i prefer the aquaclears with 2 sponges in each for great biological filtration, but the others offer a good set-up as well. after running any one of these for a couple of weeks you will all but eliminate any nitrogen cycle problems, just keep up on the water changes.


Small Fish
May 19, 2003
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You know I was thinking the samething. I got a 29 salt that is running a Emperor 280 and it moves water great. What do you think about this just adding a second filter to what I have now say another Top fin 60.


Small Fish
May 12, 2003
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I agree with Managuense and I always would like to have a turnover rate of about 10 times. I am not sure on the top fin 60 as I have never had one. I would look into the 3 listed above. I had a 55 gallon with a AC500 and a canister. Don't know if I would go with less.

About your nitrites, At this point the only think I would do is a 10 percent water change every day until they even out. Remember that this stage developes slower in the cycle. You should be ok.


Small Fish
May 19, 2003
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Ok well here is my situation I am stuck with the filter because Petsmart will not take it back. I was thinking that I could add another Top Fin 60 on the other side to add with the filteration. Would that be a good idea or not. If so that should make my water quality even better since I am running 2 filters.


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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Originally posted by Newhobby
Ok well here is my situation I am stuck with the filter because Petsmart will not take it back. I was thinking that I could add another Top Fin 60 on the other side to add with the filteration. Would that be a good idea or not. If so that should make my water quality even better since I am running 2 filters.
If you want to keep the TopFin 60 and add a new filter, then you should look into a Penguin 125 or 170 as your second filter. They're smaller and cheaper than the Penguin 330. I think they would provide a good complement to the TopFin. I think the idea here is to get enough biological filtration going in your tank. It sounds like the TopFin doesn't have decent biological filtration. The 125 and 170 both have the bio-wheel which provides good biological filtration.

But if you decide to get the 125 or 170 then I would recommend getting it from www.bigalsonline.com. It is so much cheaper there. I got a Penguin 330 from Big Al's for $30 (including shipping). I saw the 330 at Petsmart for $45 (or something).

This is all my limited opinion, of course. :)

If you got high nitrites, then don't you need good bacteria? Get some leopard or zebra danios to speed up that cycle. They got good bacterias in their stomachs, so when they poop, it gets all over the gravel or whatever, making good bacterias. Its all in the bacterias. Do that in an addition to the bio wheels, and you'll have a stable, cycled tank in no time.

Jan 19, 2003
Stavanger, Norway
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I must confess I've never heard that about danios! You could just try a bunch of java fern. It'll come with free cycle (bacteria), and it's about the only plant they won't trash (poisonous).
I'd forget chemicals. I think it's a bit weird your nitrite is so high with 2 little fish in a 55 - sure you don't mean nitrate?
Also how do the fisk look? It could be a false test - most test kits are pretty inaccurate, and nitrite is the most flaky.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
you do need more filtration...keep the filter you have (it has some bacteria growing in it) and add something with a bio-wheel like others have mentioned

however your nitrites wont go down just by adding another filter...it will take time for the bacteria grow and the cycle to complete...sounds like you didnt cycle before adding fish (please tell me if i'm wrong)

the nitrite stage is the longest so be patient :) and try to keep your fish healthy with water changes



Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
you dont want to add more fish to a tank with nitrite problems.

the top fin filters offer poor biological filtration, so go with one of the others mentioned. if you added a second top fin you will only get more chemical/mechanical--which will not help your situation.

you should really go with the 330 or the emperor 280--400 is even better. the others would be OK, but not that great on your tank especially with large cichlids.

i used to have a 55 gallon with 2 emperor 400's on it and it wasnt TOO much or anything....go overboard! your fish will appreciate it.