high ph.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
ok I been dealing with high ph since I've owned the tank and I can't seem to drop it at all. it's off the chart at or over 8.8. I'll add seachem acid buffer and drop it down to about 7.4-7.8 and within half an hour it's back up. now I'm wondering if it's my substrate. I've heard crushed coral can raise the ph. is this true? if it is I'm going to slowly take it out and replace it with an inert sand that will not mess with my ph.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
the sand can raise your pH but mixed SW had a good KH level that will buffer the water well at around 8.1-8.4pH. you should not be getting higher than that at all. are you using RO or DI water to mix with your SW?
and are you sure your test kit is not expired or fouled in any way. anything you know thats leeching into your water? what pH is your newly mixed SW before you add it to the tank?


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
Lotus: I don't have any test kits for kh or calcium. I'm using purple tech for my coraline algae. then red sea marine trace and kent marine strontium & molybdenum. I don't have any hard corals so I don't add any calcium.

newman: I have stopped using the acid buffer as I figure the large swing in ph can't be good. I know it's not good in freshwater and things seem to be magnified in salt.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
its a form of dosing to get alkalinity up and other things to make the water more alkaline. kalkwasser or something like that, you can research it. though since you dont know what it is, youre obviously not using it and its not the problem.

did you figure out how to get your pH back to normal yet? test the KH calcium and magnesium to know where youre at.