Okay, what my question is, is can i have a powerhead with a sand substrate? Cause dont u need a undergravel filter. Is it a must that u have a good current for hillstream Loaches?Would ur filter be enough in a 29gal tank?
You must have strong river like current for hillstream loaches. Also plenty of smooth surface rocks in the current is best as they love to hang out there.
Yup, actually if you think about it, many people that keep SW tanks have a sand type substrate and multiple powerheads, if they are aimed correctly they kick up very little sand.
Well, I'm no loach pro, but from what I have read, a strong current is a must, not something your basic HOB filter (or canister) will provide. And as Ecotank said, you'll want some smooth rocks (large & small) in the flow, they do like to hang out on them.