History of MFT


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Recently there have been alot of post by "famous" contributors to MFT. I don't want to pry but I'm curious if some of you could fill in the blanks for us newbies... like who started MFT, who are the orginal members, are they still here and if so why do they not contribute to the threads very often?

I have been here for about a year and had great help from poeple like OC, KCmopar, Thyra and many others. But it seems there are alot more people who take a backseat to the threads. Perhaps MFT needs a history page or member "hall of fame" or something.

I have used other well known forums in my fishkeeping adventures and none seem to be as pleasant, helpful and genuine as this one. It may be hard for more experience members to sympathize with but very often as a newb, when you ask a question on other forums you frequently get responses like, "You idiot, you put that fish in that tank. Haha just give up now and call the ASPCA on your self!" Thats exaggerated but its how it feels.

Anyway my point is this is a great forum so, I think I speak for some other newbies when I say that a brief history of MFT and more contribution from some of the original members and moderators would help us to appreciate this forum more. As OC would say, just my 2cents.


The Big Fish
The Big Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sunny Southern California
this is a great thread.... kinda makes you take a step back and look at what's happened throughout the years....the idea for MFT started back in 2000 when i got out of college and was working at this internet company. i thought it'd be cool to create a site where people could leave comments about fishes for others to read. we actually had some great comments that people left but back then with things not being backed up, i think i lost those files. but then again i do have tons of cds of back ups i made. maybe it's in there somewhere.

MFT also went through a few different design changes. i was able to capture screenshots from each one if you are interested.
About MyFishTank.Net

here's an interesting tidbit....originally when the forum started, the first 100 members that joined were given the title "charterfish". but i think that info was lost too when the forum crashed or had to be transferred to a new server etc.....

froggyfox has the only title of forum manager. when mft first started, it was pretty slow so she contributed alot in the beginning. then when things picked up, i got busy with work and she helped manage the forum and keep me up to date with what was going on with the site.

we've had the same moderators for YEARS now and while some are still active and some are not, there hasn't been much to do for them as everyone here has been great toward each other and keeping this site fun to visit.

members come and go as things change in their lives...some take a break, some are busy with work or school or family, some basically had every single questioned they had about fish keeping answered.....but it's always great when old members come back and say hi and stuff. but new members come and help keep this place a great place to come.

i think i didn't miss anything? :)
