

Large Fish
Jun 29, 2006
Brampton, Ontario
Okay, So i went to the LFS on thursday and picked up some Live Rock and a Star Fish. All was well, put the Live Rock in the tank and acclimated the starfish. After an hour put the star fish in the tank, and left it alone. I invited my inlaws over yesterday because they wanted to see my swtank and see the new fish we had recently added.

All was well, they were remarking on the tank and how great the fish looked. They were a little disappointed with our blue tang (Dory) because she was hiding but thats okay. This is about the time when my father in law goes "WHAT IS THAT???" I looked in the tank and saw some black long creepy crawly. It was quite gross! I thought it was a work. I told my husband to go into the tank, take the LR out (that it was hiding under) and to get it out of the tank. Once he moved the LR we noticed that it was a serpent star (sorry to anyone who likes these, I on the other hand could possibly live without one.) My husband is all excited because he wanted one and i convinced him to buy a "more attractive" looking star fish.

Anyways, now that we have "thing" (Thats what we named him) is there anything I should know. Is he going to be okay with the fish in my tank, does he require any sort of special diets? Oh and most importantly, will he crawl out of the tank, into my bed and touch my toes while I am asleep??? (The last one is kinda important... answer first please :) !!!)


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
lol i just read this post on Reef Centeral .. i see im not the only one who goes to that sight as well as this one.. get alot more answers to your questions that way i found out :) .. i don't know much about the star but im pretty sure i can say he won't be touching ur toes anytime soon!

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Well, I don't think it will climb out of the tank. I watched mine one night and he couldn't get off the sand. Second make sure it has enough food to eat or it will most likely eat your fish. I got one and in a matter of two days killed my clown and two firefish. One of those firefish has never been found. :(
I was quite cranky about this so just watch for it. Mine never came out during the day, but after watching him one night noticed he was quite active. I believe brittle stars can also be fish eaters. If it has a bunch of 'hair' looking things on it's arms then it's probably a brittle. Needless to say I have since removed that darn thing and now i'm left with one fish, benny... my lawnmower blenny. Good luck with it.

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Large Fish
Jun 29, 2006
Brampton, Ontario
I called my LFS and they told me that he would be no problem in my tank and that he would only eat Dead fish, if there were any. All I know is that my Blue tang is still kinda new and she likes to hide alot, I couldn't find her this morning so I hope she wasn't someone's dinner

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
I'm just warning you. As I should have taken the warnings I got from this site. If the fish is large enough it won't be a problem, but the stars grow fast to about 12" - 14". That thing killed $60 of fish for me. Normally it will consume dead fish and can actually do it overnight. Which is good so you don't have a dead fish poluting the tank. It will go after smaller fish if it's hungry.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
ahhhh the brittle/serpent star fish eaters....I have heard that they hang upside down on rock overhangs and when a fish swims under "bam" they grab it.......and have lunch.....I don't think I would want one...even if they are great detritus eaters.......they also get fish appetites.

Dec 21, 2005
st. louis area
Hey Joe, "Just don't let it hit the air."
why not? I've seen them half in and half out of the water on the rocks in the ocean. I've also seen them at the lfs crawling over the tank wall into the neighboring tank.
Have you heard something? I'm just wondering.


Large Fish
Jun 29, 2006
Brampton, Ontario
I was told by a few people that the Brittle star (thats what i have, i figured it out) won't do any harm to any fish. Unless they are dead, which then who cares, its moe a good thing.

Has anyone actually seen a brittle star eat live fish? I called my LFS Yesterday and asked what sort of items I could feed him, to make sure he is getting enough food, and he said nothing, he will eat what is in the tank and that he has never heard or seen anything to the sorts of a brittle star eating live fish.

I just want to make sure that he doesn't kill any of my fish, he can stay cuz I don't really see him during the day, he hides under rocks and that sort, but if any fish start going belly up on me, then I will know who the culprit is.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Well they usually only get fish hungry when they get big. I think I would trust the word of a few reliable sources before the lfs.....as sometimes the information you get from them is what they read in one source if they know at all......here is one source that can be trusted.


just keep your eyes on your livestock.....is all

Dec 21, 2005
st. louis area
Good find Lorna. Forget them...the Green Brittle Star that is.
I have 2 or 3 stars that came inside of some lr rubble. They have never fully come out of the lr but you guys were making think that I might have to grab them. I'm about 98% sure that they are banded serpent stars, Ophiolepsis superba. They will stay for the time being.