Hiya all!!

I'm new to this forum so a quick hello first off! I'm from NZ & have my first spawn that have successfully made it to 8 weeks old. They live in a heated 2 ft tank planted with java moss & have a shipwreck to go in & out of. I have about 30-40+ fighter fry so I am very pleased with myself so far as I haven't had much luck with guppy breeding at all!!!

ANYWAY.... I'm curious to know if anyone has had 'water fleas' turn up in their fry tanks. The last 2 times I have gravel syphoned I've found these little black critters that stay at the bottom of the tank/bucket. You do not see them in the tank, only when they are syphoned out. They appeared from nowhere & I'm wondering if they may have been in the frozen bloodworms I changed my fry over to. I have all my big fry separated and it's only the tiny fry left in the tank. But most importantly, are they harmful to the fry?

Thanks in advance!


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Welcome to the site!

I've had some kind of "flea" type thing in my tanks, and no, they're not harmful. Most fish will eat them, but I guess yours don't. They usually multiply when there's an excess of food, but of course that's almost always the case in a fry tank.