After my weekly water change today I decided to clean house a little. I scraped the glass with a razor blade and rearranged all the decor. Now I know that this can sometimes rearrage territories but this is a new one. I have 2 Male Scribble Psuedothopheus and 4 Females. Well I have always had one dominate male that had all the color (blue) while the less domintate (yellow) just kinda blended in w/ the females who are also yellow, maybe a little orange. Well affter the water change the less dom. male decided he wanted to be dom and started locking mouths w/ the Dom. male! This has never happened and I pulled the less dom male and put him in solitary confinment! What should I do... Should I let this resolve itself? *ALL* or will it result in death? I'm kinda at a loss and I really don't have the time to keep this less dom. male in a seperate tank. Anyone run into this or have any suggestions I would be thankful!
Vail, CO
Vail, CO