I started a 29g tank and had a penguin 100something and hated it. I took it back and got and aquaclear 200. I love the filter but the motor is kinda loud for in my room and it was missing a part (the part is not NEEDED, it still works without it) so I'm also taking it back (stupid petsmart!). I have heard that aquaclears are great filters so should I get another one and hope it is quieter? They also have a whisper that I could try. What do you think?
Also, is there a way to quiet filter motors in case they are all loud? I don't want to be forced to move the filter out of my room because of a loud filter. Any ideas. Thanks.
Also, is there a way to quiet filter motors in case they are all loud? I don't want to be forced to move the filter out of my room because of a loud filter. Any ideas. Thanks.