HOB Overflow Advice

Jan 9, 2009
Owensboro, KY
I don't have room behind my 44 pentagon to to a HOB fuge and put the skimmer I want behind it. I was thinking of doing a 10 gallon tank sump with a small fuge and a skimmer. I've never used a HOB overflow does anyone know of a good dependable one and what kind of rating Id need for the overflow and the pump? I wish I would have had the tank drilled before I set it up but it was set up in a rush with livestock from an existing tank and everything is doing so good I don't want to tear down to drill. Thanks in advance for any advice


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I used a siphon u tube overflow for 5 years without incident. This type of overflow maintained it's siphon through many power outages and never lost the siphon. It important to keep it clean so water moves swiftly through the tube. It is important to match the return pump. This overflow will also need room behind your tank so make sure you have room for the outside portion of the overflow box.


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
i used a SOS Tidepool 600 gph (max) overflow box for hmm..3 years i think..never had a mess and it was very quiet when i was pumping at 400 gph@5 ft. BTW drilling can be done in an almost filled tank.
90% water and good planning. Some say it's risky but i've seen it a lot of times without problems. Even tough i never had problems with the tidepool, i always had this little stress telling me it could lead to a major disaster..having my tank drilled is a relief.